Welcome to MBM 5
In this help file I will try to explain most of the function of MBM 5 and try to get 1st time users started with the program.
It is almost impossible for me to explain every detail of the program. Many of the things you will find out as you explore more of the possibilities that MBM 5 offers.
if you have any problems please check out these 4 forums:
Technical Support
General Support http://www.livewiredev.com/bbs/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=7
Suggestions http://www.livewiredev.com/bbs/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=6
Aide de Motherboard (French version of this helpfile) @ http://www.charries.ovh.org/download.htm#mbm
MBM is Freeware, however if you feel it's worth
anything then please visit my
account and donate
Alexander van Kaam